HoneySens was originally created as a diploma thesis at the Technische Universität Dresden and evolved into a joint research project with the Staatsbetrieb Sächsische Informatik Dienste afterwards. It was a follow-up to an assignment paper that set out to explore the state of the art of honeypots and deception networks. The intention of the thesis was to design and prototypically implement a honeypot platform specifically for the requirements of the local federal network. The resulting prototype enabled operators to deploy and seamlessly integrate large amounts of honeypots into their network without the hassle to heavily reconfigure networking infrastructure such as routers and firewalls. Moreover, the ease of management and operation combined with the low cost was well received, which lead to the project’s continuation. Later on, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions joined to distribute and further develop a commercial edition of HoneySens.
To access publications related to the project, click here.
To this day, HoneySens is maintained by Pascal Brückner and T-Systems Multimedia Solutions. For inquiries about the open source project HoneySens CE, contact me via E-Mail:
sylence (at) honeysens.org.
The project website was made with Hugo and is based on the Hugo Whisper theme created by zerostatic.